How to Create Entries

Entries are used to document, organize, and store your health information. Whether it’s current symptoms, notes, or medications, Entries allow you to virtually document anything regarding your health.

In this how-to-tutorial, learn how to create Entries in the Zamplo App.

Watch the video below or click here to read the step-by-step guide.



To Create Entries in the Zamplo App:

  1. Open the Zamplo App
  2. Navigate towards the bottom of the page and click the orange "Add" button, then click on "Entries"
  3. Select "New Entry"
  4. Name the Entry you are creating
  5. Using the tab on the left, fill out any additional information corresponding to the Entry (medications, notes, health data)
  6. Navigate to the attachments tab and select an attachment or select the "Add" button (If required)
  7. Click "Save"

That's it, you have now successfully created an Entry in the Zamplo App.

Navigate back to our Help Center for more how-to tutorials.